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A preparation for therapeutic baths, inhalations, and applications.

 The line of LithoPhytoSalts is the latest development of NPL LN-Kosmetika for therapeutic and cosmetic bath. LithoPhytoSalts combine the best qualities of salty and herbal baths, allow you to quickly prepare a mixture for a steam bath or warm and moist inhalation, or to apply medicinal dirt in home conditions.

LithoPhytoSalts of the "Sekret Krasoty” line are powderized mixtures of a complex composition. In addition to natural salts, they contain natural volcanic tuff, white clay, mustard powder, embryo shells of rye and wheat, oat bran, multi-component herbal compositions, selenium, copper.

Various baths are important for cosmetic and medical purposes. They improve blood circulation, which provides for better penetration of active substances, affecting the entire body, through skin. Baths with salt content help to regulate various biological processes. They are known to affect central nervous system, endocrine glands, thus stimulating renewal processes and tissue regeneration, and normalizing metabolism. Natural sorbents, such as volcanic tuff, accelerate removal of metabolism products through skin.

Herbs have been used for strengthening and regulating baths for a long time, with the composition of herbs chosen depending on skin condition.

A herbal bath, steam bath, or inhalation saturates blood with phytoncides, improves ventilation of lungs and the functioning of epithelium of trachea and bronchi, increases oxygen consumption. As a result, it improves quality of sleep, work capacity, alleviates muscle and joint pains.

For better effect in the case of myositis, radiculitis, joint pains, cellulite, varicose dilation of veins, hematoma, application of home-made medicinal mud can be used. The mud is prepared by adding to LithoPhytoSalt some hot water until a gruel-like homogeneous mass is produced. These applications stimulate healing process, remove edema, improve bactericidal properties of the skin, provide for creation of active substances in the nervous system.



 n      1. Herbal bath with salts

Dilute 100 grams of LithoPhytoSalt (approximately 1/5 of the package) in a small quantity of very hot water to produce a homogeneous mass, then add to the bath (150 too 200 liters) of a temperature that is comfortable for you. The higher the temperature, the shorter the time of the bath (8 to 15 minutes).

While in the bath, massage your body from toe tips to neck, rub the spots where the skin is rough with pumice. After the massage, relax for two or three minutes. After the bath, take a shower and blot your body with a towel; in cold season, if the air is dry, rub in some oil, e.g., flax, cedar pine, castor oil, or a moisturizing cream.

Take the bath no less than 1.5 hours after a meal, and lie down to rest for 1 to 1.5 hours after the bath.

Do it every other day, 12 to 15 times for the complete course.

 n      2. Inhalation

Add 1 liter of boiling water to 2 tablespoonfuls of LithoPhytoSalt in a flat-bottom pan, cover and let it infuse for 10 to 15 minutes. Cover your head with a thick towel and inhale the stem for 7-10 minutes. For diseases of larynx or bronchitis, hold your breath for 2 seconds before exhaling. Rest well after the procedure and avoid excessive cooling for at least 2 hours.

The humid heat of this procedure stimulates blood circulation in the face and the neck, and can be used as a preparatory procedure before applying various face packs.

We recommend to cleanse the skin with our LithoComplex first, take a steam bath with LithoPhytoSalt, and finally apply a LithoPhyto face pack suitable for your type of skin. This set of cosmetic procedures should be performed 2-3 times a week to tone up the skin and preserve healthy face skin color.

 n      3. Mud applications

Apply LithoPhytoSalt to a small skin spot or a problem area: to treat ligamental strains, myositis, e.g., intercostal, cellulite, hematoma, edema. The temperature of the mud prepared from LithoPhytoSalt (see above) should be 35 to 42 °C, and for applications to varicose "stars” not higher than 38 degrees. The time of mud applications is 10 to 15 minutes daily, 6-8 procedures in a course.

Wash the problem are with warm water and LithoComplex, then apply the mud, cover with oilcloth or foil, then insulate with a woolen cloth. After the procedure the mud can be washed off or wiped off with a wet towel, then the spot should be covered with a woolen cloth again for 2 hours.

 n      4. Combined use: "bath + application”

Dilute 100 grams of LithoPhytoSalt (about 1/5 of a package) in a small quantity of very hot water to make a homogeneous mass. Draw some water (at most 10 cm deep) of pleasant temperature. Sit in the bath, wet the body with water and apply an even layer of LithoPhytoSalt to all your body. After 7-10 minutes fill the bath with water and take the bath for 15 minutes.


All of the heat procedures with LithoPhytoSalt have the following contraindications: hypertension of 3rd degree, infectious diseases in acute form, lung cavities, high probability of bleeding, severe emphysema,  epilepsy, weeping eczema, or allergy to components of LithoPhytoSalt.


We offer five formulas of LithoPhytoSalt

 n        Formula 1: Lifting effect

Enriches the skin with microelements needed for the synthesis of structural proteins of the skin’s dermal layer: collagen and elastin; improves removal of metabolism products due to stronger capillary blood circulation, stimulates lymph drainage, making the skin firm and elastic.

 n        Formula 2: Moisturizing effect

Removes spasms of skin capillaries, improves metabolism of gialuronic acid, the substance that retains moisture in the skin. Makes the skin velvety-feeling, firms up the epidermis, which too prevents loss of moisture. Recommended for excessively dry skin.

 n        Formula 3. Normalization of the function of grease and sweat glands

Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Recommended for oily seborrhea, acne rash, furunculosis, chronic eczema. Speeds up the process of skin tissue regeneration, normalizes sweating. Gives a pleasant smell to the skin.

 n        Formula 4. Prevention of cellulites

Good for metabolism disturbances, normalizes metabolism of lipids. Has a quieting effect, alleviates stress that often causes over-eating. Mud applications with LithoPhytoSalt #4 reduce fat deposits.

 n        Formula 5: Tranquilizing effect

Contains a range of herbs with a sedative effect. Reduces neuralgic pains. Alleviates neuralgic pains, removes gastrointestinal spasms. Recommended for cardiovascular neuroses, joint pains, depressive condition.











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